Sunday, July 5, 2009


I really have not had much to blog about lately..
This summer is really that boring..
Burger King gave me 20 hours this week so that's good.
more money for the college savings! ^.-
and I'm also trying to find a second job, because... I dont have much of a social life, so I might as well work more!

Other than that....
I went to my friend Alex's Graduation Party, where I ate from a large chocolate fountain ( I wish I was rich enough to own a chocolate fountain!!), and played a game called "Monster Ball", which is a mix between baseball and kickball, where I managed to fall on my butt at least 2 times due to my lack of coordination. :-P
But it was fun..

and I am now also reading Twilight over again for fun.... and it'll be my 3rd time reading it..
*sigh @ my pathetic-ness*


Ruh-u meyyit said...

Greetings from Turkey.Have a nice day.

Kat said...

Twilight count:

read: 2 times
read whole series? Yes
Seen the movie? Yes (For FREE!!!)
How many times? Once...
Did you notice Stephenie Meyer sitting at her computer? YES!!!
