Sunday, March 15, 2009


I hate pointless weekends.
I have accomplished ZERO things this weekend.
I sat on my lazy butt and watched movies, I went and saw Last House On The Left,
and went out to eat.
I tried to work on my Geometry homework a little bit earlier today, but of course got frustrated and gave up after a while.
I tried to get myself back into working out, but after fifteen minutes of riding my exersize bike I got tired and of course, gave up.
I didn't get any of my fanfiction done. *sigh*
and I didn't get any reading done.

What a waste of a weekend.

This week should be better though.
Tomorrow I'm staying late and cosmetology school, maybe I'll get a haircut.
Tuesday I have my job interview.
Thursday I am being inducted into the National Technical Honor Society, woot!
and Friday is the Twilight release Party.

So this week should be better than this waste of a weekend.